Collie Club - The Online Academy

Do you dream to have a specialist Border Collie Trainer in your pocket? Just get your phone out and ask me a question or watch a video to solve a problem?

The Academy will give you exactly this:

- infinite access to training videos on specific Border Collie Topics, each months a new topic will be released 

- the possibility to ask me a question on ANY problems and have it answered

- a community of other Border Collie Enthusiasts to share your joys and pains

- a monthly Masterclass on Zoom where you can talk to me directly or show me your dog doing something and being coached by me

- have the chance to be picked each month for a free One to One online lesson via Zoom

- special guest will jump into the Group for a topic on a specific subject 

... and much more!

22 Modules


This is your first video! Make sure you watch this before you open any other video!

Here is the link to join the Classroom:

Module 3: Calm the Collie - impulse control and switching off games


Self control, promoting drive and working on prey drive! 

You will find all you need to train your Border Collie to be calmer and more thoughful!

Winter Module 11 - Vito Game and Puzzles

This module will get you through the winter months when you don't have a lot of space or light hours to train!

These games can be done anywhere and any space and basic equipment. 

Geeking Thursday

Every Thursday I will upload a Youtube video, audio or reading to geek out on something regarding dog training. It will be random, so every week you get something different!

Video will be uploaded and saved in the Playlist on Youtube!

BONUS: Five day challenge live videos

This is a Bonus Module to give you some extra training that I delivered as FREE for my free group. 

Modules for this product 22
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